

BANANA – are high on potassium and pectin a form of fiber, bananas have the kind of protection that protects you from the many different products we use like lotions, and also natural sunlight. The darker the banana gets the better it protects and enhances the white cell productivity. Which is good to fight infection from bacteria, virus and fungi. Bananas are good for your heart because our body needs the potassium to keep your heart healthy and heart attack free. Also low in sodium so is good in for high blood pressure. They have found that the more potassium you have helps so that your arteries do not harden. After excising you should eat a banana instead of drinking Gatorade it gives you the energy to improve performance. BARLEY – Is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Barley is full of fiber, but if they remove the hull then you have gotten rid of the fiber. Barley is full of lignans an antioxidants which lowers the risk of cancer. The more you soak the grain before you use it releases the nutrients easier. Barley when eaten reduces hunger by making you feel full. The other good news about barley is it improves bowel movement function by increasing stool movement. It even helps prevent gallstones and reduce the risk of gallbladder surgery. BASIL – Originated from Asia and Africa. It comes from the mint family and there are many  verities. From healthy gut to immunity the benefits of basil are many. Basil is easily cross bread and so we have many different flavors like lemon basil, lime basil that are good to put into salads and get that citrus flavor. It also helps with your nervous system and digestion, insomnia, also helps PH balance in the body. It has many uses to help heal the body, that if you dont like the flavor of one there are many to choose from, It is a very promising herb for healing. BLUE BERRIRES – Inflammation is the number one cause of diseases. Blue berries help because they are high in antioxidants, phytoflavinoids, potassium. Lowers the risk of heart and cancer. When picking always pick the darkest color because that says it has lots of antioxidants. So eat half a cup a day to keep as healthy as can be. BROCCOLI – Eating broccoli every day can help with the risk of  heart diseases, it also helps with blood clotting because it has the nutrients the body needs. It also has vitamin k for strong bones, it is also good for the eyes. BURDOCK – The benefits of burdock are very powerful and can help repair any damages caused by free radicals. It can help prevent different conditions in the body. It removes toxin from blood stream so it purifies it and help circulation. It inhibits tumorous cancers also. but if you have allergic reaction to chrysanthemums or daisies then you well have an allergic reaction to this. and if you are pregnant it is not recommended you take burdock. Or give to young children.