
Difference Between Nearsighted and Farsighted

There is a difference between nearsightedness and farsightedness, and unless you know the difference, you are likely to get them reversed.


Hyperopia means you can see far away better than seeing things close up. This means the light falls behind the retina, not onto it. So if you are trying to read a book or look at something close up it is blurry. This could mean that you have a genetic birth defect, such as an eye lens that is not round enough or an eyeball that is too short.

Farsightedness is just an imperfect eye. I which it did mean I could see things clearly far away that would be awesome.


Myopia is when the light is not falling directly on your retina but in front of it. That is not being able to see far, like street signs from a distance are blurry to you. But reading a map or book is not, you can see. This also is caused by genetics and malformation of the eye.

They say one way to correct nearsightedness and farsightedness was with corrected lenses, but as soon as you took off your glasses or contact lens, they would go back to how they were, farsighted and nearsighted. That’s like putting a band-aid on a wound that needs stitches and putting another one once the first one didn’t hold properly. It is a temporary fix to a continual problem.

You know when you are tired of walking because your legs hurt you get off your feet for a while. If your arms hurt you give them a beak, your eyes never get a break even when they are irritated, red, and dry. Even when the rest of your body gets a break the eyes remain working because you are looking at your phone or computer, then go back to work and continue doing your job. Then when you get home you look at the television, the only time you give them to rest is at night when you sleep and hopefully, you don’t sleep with your eyes open.

Some exercise that you can do for your eyes is to take five- or ten-minute mini-breaks and look up from your computer or laptop, Give your eyes a break and look out a window or something far away and blink to moisten your eyes so that they don’t get dry, that will help your vision from becoming blurry while you are working. It keeps your eyes. refreshed.

Fennel is good for your eyes it helps because it has vitamins A and C you can use it as a wash for your eyes or drink it as a tea.

Passionflower is a great nerve relaxer and is known to relax eye vessels.

Gingko Biloba is an ancient herb that enhances the circulation around the back of the making sure there is enough blood circulating around the eye.

These are just a few herbs that were used long ago when natural remedies were very much used to fix what was needed to continue life, to soothe the elements that caused us hardships. It is all-natural and our bodies respond well to them. and still do!