
Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods

How many of you enjoy eating your fruits and vegetables and then find out that they are not so safe to eat? That would really be a bummer because that would really take the flavor out of the food. I love to make and eat food, but one of my favorites is Tomato, which is at the top of the Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods (your mother never told you about).

Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods

(your mother never told you about)

1. Tomato

Tomato makes many dishes taste so good, but they say it is not good to consume too much, because it causes inflammation and also has tomatine an alkaloid that is toxic to humans. Tomatoes will not kill you but they will cause tummy problems.

2. Cashews

Cashews – are very good but very poisonous if eaten raw. Cashews are coved in anacardic acid that can kill you, but if properly roasted are very delicious.

Did you know that a Cashews are a seed, not a nut, and it comes from a cashew fruit.

3. Apricots and Cherries

Some of my sisters favorite fruits are Apricots and Cherries

The seeds of these fruits have a substance called Amygdalin. If swallowed, Amygdalin turns into cyanide in the stomach. That is why, when you taste the hard seed, it is bitter. The bitter taste is to prevent humans from consuming them. But the fruit itself is delicious to eat if you like that kind of fruit.

4. Apples

They say eat an apple a day will keep the doctor away, but any more than that could land you in the hospital because apples, like apricots and cherries, also have Amygdalin which turns into cyanide in the stomach. So, don’t overdo it.

5. Asparagus

Asparagus – We all enjoy this little sprig of green delight smothered in butter or cheese, but did you know if you eat of its fruits  the berries that are bright red, very pretty but poisons it can make you sick. Vomit and diarrhea, not good if both ends have to be going down at the same time.

6. Kidney Beans

Kidney Beans – Contain phytohemagglutinin which means if you don’t cook them right you can get diarrhea and vomiting. this bean is used a lot in chili beans, now I knew I had a reason not to like them.

7. Rhubarb

Rhubarb – Who doesn’t like strawberry rhubarb pie? It is the most awesome flavor combination, high five to who ever created such a delicious desert. It looks like celery except red its leaf’s have oxalic acid which can kill you by causing kidney failure, so don’t eat the leaf’s just the pie.

8. Pineapple

Pineapple – I love to eat and drink the juice but pineapple has a lot of sugar 16.2 in just one cup that’s a lot of sugar and it can do a lot of damage to the body. So, eat it a few pieces at a time and you can still enjoy it, especially on pizza.

9. Corn

Corn – Is everyone’s favorite food from corn tortillas to buttered popcorn to corn on the cob but it is so full of GMOs that it now is not good for us.

10. Figs

Figs – I could eat figs all day long they are so sweet and delicious and wouldn’t get tired of them. Figs are high in fiber, help lower blood pressure, but to sweet, 16 grams of sugar, but I would rather eat these than drink a soda.

Well here are some very good fruits and some vegetables that are very popular, yet not so safe to eat if we prepare them wrong or consume to much of. So enjoy in moderation.

Bon Appetit!