
Mind Altering Herbals

Have you ever gotten up from your chair and  walked into the another room looked around “wondering what did I come in here for?” turned around and walked back out. Then, as soon as you sit down, you remember I forgot my glasses and back you go to get them.

Well, your not alone, and the older you get the more it happens. Some people call these senior moments. I call them veinte vueltas – meaning 20 turns, because on a bad day you feel like you have been going in circles all day long and haven’t accomplished anything.

Or how about this one, you put something away so you can use it later and then you don’t remember where you put it.

Another is, you are speaking to someone and you forget what you are saying, then you ask them “What was I talking about?” And they don’t remember or your conversation was so boring they were not paying attention.

Most of the time people just think they are tired and they just have brain fog, or they need a cup of coffee, but you need to be careful what you use to stimulate the brain not everything that is over the counter is safe. You need to read what it is and look up the ingredients that they put in this pill, and even if the doctor says take this prescription to help your brain, you also need to question that too.

I would rather take something natural, grown from my very own garden. At least I know that it would be fresh and nothing strange was added to it.

There are a few natural herbs that can help you with your memory.

Top 5 Mind Altering Herbs

Drinking a cup of tea once or twice a day made from some of these may help like,


Ashwagandha naturally protects from cell degeneration, it has natural antioxidants and occurring steroids that help the brain and improve function.


Another good herb is called Rosemary. Rosemary improves concentration and memory. It simulates the circulatory system and brings more oxygen to the brain.

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea helps with mental clarity and improves memory also helps with fatigue and anxiety.

Lion Main Mushroom

Lion Main Mushroom is known to enhance the memory, also known to slow down and even reverse cell degeneration in the brain. LMM stimulates the nerve system which is very important for all the body.


Turmeric improves brain function, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). When this decreases from the brain, that causes our forgetfulness.

Our bodies need all these plants in one way or another to survive and live our life as healthy as possible.

With plants it may take some time for it to work but at least you know where it came from and its all natural.

You can take as much as you need, add a bit of honey for sweetness, and just sit back and see what your mind does.

The opportunities are endless. You may just remember where you hid that special gift you put away, and not only surprise the one you love, but surprise your self too in the process.