

Have you ever gone camping or hiking? Set up your tent and decide, I’m ready for a walk, and down the trail you go, then slap! You kill a mosquito. They keep biting you because you taste so delicious and they keep coming back for more. So, you decide to go back to camp, only to end up falling, scraping and bruising your hands and knees on the rocks. As you continue, you realize that you did not bring the first aid kit. But you did have a book of healing plants with you because you wanted to get to know nature better and it happened to show you the pictures of the plants needed to make the poultice to heal yourself.

The following plants are shown: plantain, yarrow, mullein, and usnea.

You can use all the plants at once or just one plant for a poultice.

One plant that is an herb that is soft and fluffy can also be used as toilet paper if you forget the roll is mullein. That is nice to know if you get lost in the woods.

Two herbs that work good together are plantain and mullein. Plantain helps the body heal faster and the mullein enhances the plantain herb even though they both help with pain and more of one brings out the best of the other.

All that needs to be done is crush the herb and apply to the area that is wounded.

Always make sure the wound is cleaned good before adding the poultice.

Also make sure you cover the poultice every time you change it when it dries and repeat as needed.

It is always smart to carry a book of herbs, or better yet, have your own herbal tool box in your car. You never know when it may come in handy.

When using dry herbs, make sure to crush the herbs, add moisture to them, make them like a paste, apply to the wound, and cover the wound so the poultice does not dry fast and change as needed.

If you are worried about pain, the mullein well help with pain and also help with the process of healing.

Once you see how good these herbs are you should dry some up during the summer, so when winter comes around you may have some on hand.

Just remember, you don’t need to clean out the forest of all these awesome plants and also don’t hurt them when your are harvesting them.

Always be gentle, never unroot a plant unless you need the root or want to transplant it into your garden.

When cutting the leaves to dry, clip the small branches and always leave enough leaves on the branch so that it will not kill the plant.

So next time you are out and about and having fun and forget your first aid kit, don’t worry be happy that you know your herbs, and you have your handy dandy herbal book with you just in case anything happens unexpectedly, plus your herbal tool box too, just in case.