
Listening to Nature

Too many days in our lives we are so busy with life that we forget to see or hear what is around us. We don’t have time to just sit down and relax and take in the sounds of nature all around us. Our life is non-stop all the time and if we do sit for a while, what is the first thing we reach for? The remote control, go straight to the television, or the number one controller of our lives is the phone!

Have you heard this joke: two crows sitting on a phone line, one says to the other as they are looking down at a scare crow, how do you know if he is not human? Because he is not looking at his phone!

We are so consumed with these devices that it puts us in danger and we don’t seem to pay attention to what is around us.

I have been in some close calls (pardon the pun) by people not paying attention, especially when they are driving and passing a red light or stop sign, because they are on the phone and not looking.

Thank god for guardian angels or I would not be here writing this today. We get so caught up in the rush of life that we don’t stop to smell the roses, take a nature walk or just sit quietly in your porch or balcony, close your eyes and relax, just listen to the birds sing or even the sound of rain.

If you can’t hear anything that would sound relaxing then you can look for some thing on YouTube, like the sound of ocean waves, a creek of water flowing, or just soft music.

If you have children and its hard to get relaxing time, I used to take my boys for walks in the greenway and had them walk with me. At first, they would complain cause they wanted to be carried, but if they got tired I would let them rest a while and then we would continue to walk. When we got home, I would give them dinner, gave them a bath and to bed they went, then my relaxing time would start.

It easy to get the television to be the babysitter for your children but in the long run, it’s the worst thing you could do for your kids because they get use to this lifestyle and to get them to go outside after that is impossible.

Our children today are the most unhealthy bunch in history, they are so spoiled with todays technology that they don’t know what they are missing about playing out side.

Back in my day, as soon as we finished our breakfast we were sent outside and couldn’t come back in till lunch and then back out again.

We didn’t go in for a drink of water we drank out of the garden hose and played in the mud, got into a lot of mischief but had a lot of fun doing just that!