
Mankind’s Consequences

Don’t you find it strange that an epidemic like we have at this time in 2020, with all the technology all around the world, and yet, we can’t prevent it from spreading?

We have not found a cure that well help stop it!

Or is there?

The government is not so open when it comes to certain things it does not want to disclose. It will make up some kind of BS to cover its tracks. Like it always has, and still does to this day.

There have been so many cover-ups to so many things through the years. I remember when I was younger I read about a man who invented a car that ran on water, he was talking about how it would keep the air clean and how much it would save money because it would not use gasoline to work.

He showed his prototype in a picture, I still remember that picture. Then I never heard any more about him, but years later I found out he was killed and his invention of his car was gone, never to be heard about again along, with all his paper work of this invention.

Another  inventor that could make life easier for us invented a generator that made electricity on its own and it would of been affordable for everyone to have in their  home. Again the paperwork was destroyed along with the prototype and you don’t hear about it, until years later.

Now, if you stop and think about it, who would have lost a lot of money on all these inventions? and be put out of business because of these great inventions?!!

I’m sure there are plenty more inventions out their that we have not heard about, which brings me to the big pharma!

How many times do you think someone has come up with a natural cure only to be ridiculed and told he was out of his mind? He’s a quack! There are so many big companies with money, they just have to find some person in congress with dollar bills as pupils. They look for the weakest link. There are many of them in congress and in the white house, they are not hiding the fact that they are easily bought. So many promise how they are going to make changes in the laws only to get sidetracked and do the opposite of what they just promised.

It could also be harder to make the change because of the others who would need to be involved to help make those changes.

Hopefully, one day those people could work together to make the changes needed to make a difference, not just for the people but for all living creatures.

Seems like man kind forgets that he shares the planet with other living creatures and does not give a damn what he destroys as long as he is making a profit.

The top greed is so deep and so obvious, you can see it in everything that man touches, from living animals to lands and humans, not stopping to think of the consequences of their actions!