
What’s Going On? How Could It Be?

Common sense in a modern world, is fading away fast. What you think would be easy to understand is becoming a state of confusion, and many are just seeing an illusion. How can that be, you may ask? We are being shown and told some things that look like they are as they say, but if you do your own investigating, you find that its not.

They are pulling the wool over your eyes and  hoping you are not the curious type. Which means thinking on your own and finding out if its true or not!

The saying “don’t believe everything you hear or read” is true. I have found the older I get, I understand more and am very disappointed about what I find out. But at the same time, happy. I know it and am not following blindly. I’m still learning, trying to understand things.

What is it going to take to make the big change?

How can we get everyone to realize that it takes all of us as a whole civilization to make a difference?

We are so divided at this time. Many blame one race or another saying they are to blame for all the problems in the world, pointing fingers, and accusing one another and so on, but in reality when will it all end?

Now, with the epidemic going on, and we are told we can not socialize, to stay home, and keep separated from family and friends, we are more divided than ever!

This is a critical time in all our lives with the fear of risking your health, not only of yourself but of your family, so how can we make the changes we need to be able to take our life back?

Right now, it feels like a yoyo. Things are up and down and it just seems like its going around in a cycle. Things are good and then suddenly we are back were we started. It is like eating the same food over and over again and thinking if someone else makes it, it well taste different.

I guess what it all comes down to is waiting for the right time to present itself to bring us together as a nation.

What I have seen is when tragedy strikes it is when everyone unites together and helps each other, not seeing race, color, or language as a barrier, but working hard side by side to save lives in destress!

How can we make this a way of life to help each other now?

Have we not learned or seen that when we work together we accomplish more? which makes the load easier for everyone?

It is at this point, that we need to reach on our own, not wait for a misfortune to come along to make us unite as one, but be united as one to to be ready for whatever comes our way and know that we can handle it together as a nation united in every way!