
Man’s Greed

We have so many beautiful animals on this planet and some not so cute or friendly. The different places on earth look beautiful or ominous depending on the place and creature that is present. They dwell in every environment on earth from freezing to super hot degrees and it makes you think of the willingness of these animals to survive, and now with the human population moving in on their territory and forcing them to live in a crowded environment, where the plants and trees are being cut down more and more each day leaving many animals without food or a safe place to stay.

How can this be considered okay? To take away their only way of life they know and expect them to survive?

This greed that makes people not care of other’s lives is seen only in the human being. Yet, you can’t put it on all humans. Just a few who have the money or power to decide what would make them the bigger profit, not caring who or what they destroy.

Earth is able to heal itself in its own way, but just like our own bodies when we are sick or injured we need to get help in some ways to get better.

With the contamination in the food we eat to the water we drink how much longer do you think man or beast will last if we don’t start to make changes now?

We are already feeling the effects on our bodies with the increase of diseases, even our pets are dying from the same illnesses!

The technology of today is getting better, but its not making humans any healthier. You would think that there would be a cure by now for cancer or for diabetes, or how to stay young forever! But we know better, everyone is trying to make that perfect pill that will make you feel like you are in your twenties or younger.

We need to take a step back and open our eyes and see what is in front of us, and I believe that we have all we need here on earth by the plants that grow in our own back yard. Its taking the time to find out what works and how to use it for our own good.

Lets not give up on Gods plan. He’s always wanted what is best for us! But we have always been rebellious when it comes to following His word. Even now, in these times when technology has made our lives much  easier for us, we still complain about everything. We don’t think of our ancestors who would think of us as spoiled brats to complain of life being made easier than it was back in their time. Many would be bewildered at what has been invented. And think of how fast and how easily things could have been done to save time to do other things on the ranch or even spend quality time with the family.