FENUGREEK – Helps lower blood sugars, boosting testosterone, increasing breast milk for nursing mothers. It reduces cholesterol and lowers inflammation. Fenugreek help women who get minstrel pain. get rid of the PMS symptoms. Also helps with menopause mimicking female hormones which are often reduced. You can enhance your breast size naturally with fenugreek. You dont need to go thru the hassle of surgery and scars or the pain, its worth trying it out. FIGS – they are talked about in the bible and very much enjoyed back then to. they come from the Middle East and Mediterranean. Figs are full of vitamins and minerals, great source of fiber antioxidants. Figs also have probiotics which help you keep a healthy gut. They also help you have a healthy heart. If taking blood thinners it is best not eat or drink figs because it may antifear with the medication. So enjoy figs and the tea leaves also is very good for you if you dont enjoy the fruit you may like the tea. FLAXSEED – Is considered a supper food because all the nutrients it has and is very beneficial for the body. Flaxseed is high in fiber, omga-3s and proteins. Also may reduce risk of cancers like prostate, may improve cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, it also helps control your hunger, you can put into hamburger or other foods it helps keep you full longer. GARLIC – Has been here for thousands of years and is still used for cooking and healing. It is used all around the world it is a very popular spice. It is so full of minerals and vitamins it lowers cholesterol ,helps blood pressure, helps with cold and flues, helps with heart disease, and so much more. Best of all it helps with memory. GINGER – Came from South East Asia. Ginger can be used fresh or dried and powdered. It is used for the common cold or for nausea, if you feel your throat sour nibble on some ginger well nip it right there and then. If you have some problems with digestion ginger does help just take a small bite of ginger to relive discomfort. It is said if you take at least one ginger shot of its juice it helps the immune system. GINGKO BILOBA – Originated in China. it has many nutrients that help heal the body. It contains powerful antioxidants that combat free radicals. It helps fight inflammation, improves circulation and heart health, also improves brain function, reduces anxiety, supports vision and eye health. I have taken it for my health and I do see the difference in my vision, I do highly recommended it and if you are taking other meds it is good to consult with your doctor. It is very good for the body especially giving your immune system an extra boost were it is needed. brain boost and also good for when you are depressed or have anxiety. its good to know that we have all natural plants that can do the healing our bodies need.
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COCONUT OIL – Is very popular for a reason it has many health benefits, Widely known. It is versatile and has many uses. It can protect you from the sun, it increases your metabolism so you burn more calories. You can cook at higher temperatures, great for frying were other oils turn toxic when heated and get to hot. It relives skin irritations or disorders and moisturizes, helps with brain functions, Increases good cholesterol. It is also good for you hair it protects the hair shaft because it is absorbed by the hair. and it also boost bone health and much more. COLEUS – Has been used since ancient times. It was used for heart disorders, high blood presser and chest pain (angina). It also helped with raspatory disorders. Forskolin which is found in the roots of coleus plant. It treats allergies like dry eye, skin conditions, painful menstrual period. It helps with cancer and and blood clots, sexual problems with men and trouble sleeping. It has many benefits for many things. CUMIN – Originally comes from Mediterranean and Southwest Asia. It is a very popular spice used all over the world it packs a lot in such a small seed and are full nutrients and vitamins. Cumin can protects you from food poisoning, if used every day in your food preparations. For years people have used cumin for indigestion and it has been used to for kidney infections, to eye infections. It even helps with cancerous tumors, cholesterol control. Cumin has many benefits. DANDALION – Grows all over the world especially in your back yard if you have one it has so many healing properties! But many people dont know this because they consider this herb plant a weed. But for centuries it has been used to do many types healings. From the flower all the way down to the root dandelions are used, no part of this plant is useless. It is full of vitamins and minerals that dose a body good. it is full of antioxidants which protect the body of negative effect of free radicals that mess with the body. dandelion protects against cellular damage cause by stress. Help fight inflammation that over time it can cause permeant damage to body tissue. It can aid in blood sugar control, May lower blood pressure and cholesterol and promote a healthy liver. Also fights cancer and boost your immune system. It has so many health benefits, its hard to believe that people think it is a weed. EYE BRIGHT – Is a plant that is used to treat swollen nasal passages, hay fever, bronchial conditions, allergies, pink eye, most head illness. Should not be taken by women who are pregnant or breast feeding. Diabetics if taking eyebright should be careful because it could lower your blood sugar for some. Eye bright has many uses for your healing. It has been used for many healing but with all herbs it should be taken in moderation and make sure you take a little at time to see how your body reacts to it
CHAGA TEA – Is a mushroom that Europe has been drinking for centuries and it has many health benefits. it typically grows on the trunk of birch trees, in North America and Hemisphere. This mushroom has the appearance of burnt charcoal or simply dirt. Once getting a closer look then you see that it is a mushroom. The inside of the mushroom is rusty, yellowish – brown. But is nutrient rich. Chagas tea help prevent cancer, slows down tumor growth. It also helps your immune system when it need a boost. It is really good when it comes to reducing inflammation. Intestinal health it helps prevent stomach ulcers, helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure, blood sugar. If you are diabetic and you would like to drink Chagas tea please consult with your doctor because it does lower you sugar but if taken with you medication may lower it to fast. CHAMOMILE – Has a great reputation. Here are the benefits in using chamomile every day. It is prepared with dried flowers, when used it calms. It you and gives you a tranquility that helps you relax. It helps you sleep, boosts immunity, helps when you are congested by breathing in the steam, helps your sour throat and runny nose. chamomile is good when you are on your period, helps relive cramps and stomach aches. It is also good to use it on your face, it tightens and pores and slows down aging. CHICKWEED – Is a creeping annual that grows all over North America. It Has many vitamins and mineral that benefit the body, It helps relive many respiratory conditions, prevents the growth of bacteria in the lungs. chickweed is also known by the name mouse ear. Chickweed is good for kidneys, digestion and gut health It also feeds the good bacteria of the stomach ,which in turn help with bowel movement regularity. It has so many more healthful benefits. CHICORY – Handling the plant may irritate skin. It should not be taken if pregnant or breast feeding. It is used for loss of apatite, upset stomach, liver, constipation, gallbladder disorders and cancer. Also used to increase the production of urine to protect the liver. Some people make a past out of the leaves and put it on the skin for inflammation. It can be used as a laxative it mild doses. CLEVERS – Is found around the world. Its a wild flower that is eatable, it grows six feet tall, adorned with greenish white flowers, tiny bristles on the leaves help it to cling onto fur or clothes. It supports immune system, fights against pre-cancer cells, It can help with skin ulcers, burns and acne. Also helps with swollen glands, urinary tract infections, or bladder infections. some of the side effects are the following. Diarrhea, Watery Eyes, Trouble Breathing, Dizziness, Throat Swelling, Hives or Rash, Stomach Pain, Itchiness, Runny Nose. It is very important to pay attention to your body when trying a new herb, so that if you get a reaction from it you well know right away and are prepared.
CAYENNE PEPPER – Belong to the night shade family of flowering plants. It has an impressive nutrition profile which has antioxidant that are beneficial. Capsaicin is an active ingredient, which gives them medical properties. Which give them the hot taste, the more capsaicin the hotter the pepper is. Cayenne pepper boost your metabolism, reduces hunger, lower blood pressure, aids digestive health, may help to prevent some cancers. CENTELLA ASIATICA – Also known as Gotu kola. It has a variety of benefits. It helps repair body tissue due to spinal injury. It help brain function and memory, especially after a stroke. May help Alzheimer’s disease. Helps reduce anxiety and stress. Gotu kola is commonly used on Varicose veins for its healing priorities. But it may have it some side effects like, skin irritation, drowsiness, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, headache. CILANTRO – Cilantro is a popular herb used around the world, it taste so good no salt or seasoning needs to be add. and many people around the world use it to cook all there favorite dishes and enjoying the benefits with out really knowing they are doing the body good. It rids the body of heavy metals, lowers blood sugar levels, protects against heart disease, prevents urinary infections, settles upset digestion, protects against food poisoning, protects against colon cancer. CINNAMON – Has been hear for thousands of years and used all over the world in many, foods for added flavors to delicious dishes. The smell alone makes it desirable, There are two types of cinnamon, Ceylon and the other is Cassia. Ceylon is sweet and sidle. Were Cassia is stronger in taste, but cheaper to buy its the one mostly found in stores, or they have a mixed batch of both. the older the cinnamon is it starts to loose its flavor one year for the cinnamon stick and few months for powder. Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants can which help with heart disease, lowers sugars and ant- inflammatory. There is a caution how ever and that is to much of the cinnamon can effect the liver so do not over do cinnamon in capsule form. CHEERIES – Have a natural melatonin which help you sleep, they are rich in nutrients and help your metabolism flush out toxins .It is good at lowering hypertension, which help maintain your blood pressure levels, helps with heart health, it helps your hair stay healthy and shiny. Helps maintain PH balance. cherries can boost your energy after exercising. Cherries are full of vitamins that help your body inside and out which is a great benefit for your skin, we all need that little boost that helps all of us look younger. When eating dry fruit it takes the sugar to a whole new level, meaning it makes it much more sweeter because the water in the fruit is gone. We didn’t lose the flavor it just got concentrated and sweeter, but it doesn’t make it better for you, that is when you need to eat less. Remember always in moderation and you can still eat it every day a little at a time.
CABBAGE – Comes from Eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor. Cabbage nutrients has lots of nutrients and minerals it helps prevent cancer, boosts immunity, is anti-inflammatory. It reduces the risk to the following, cataracts, Alzheimer disease, inflammation, prevents stomach ulcers, helps in digestion, lots of fiber so helps with constipation, good for the heart and straightens bones. Cabbage if rich in folic acid which benefits pregnant mother and there baby also good for breast feeding moms helps produce milk. Eating a little a day helps heal skin conditions and can make you look young. CACAO NIBS – Are made of crushed coco beans. They help in lowering the risk of stress and inflammation because they are rich in antioxidants. It reduces heart disease and diabetics .Cacao contains iron that is readily used by the body, but dont heat up the cacao nibs because you well lose the nutrients. Best used in smoothies. CACTUS – Comes from Latin America. and has many nutritional minerals, the eatable parts are the leaf and fruit and stem. It protects nerve cell damage, it also helps people who are diabetic by eating a little a day. It also help men with prostate problems and help in the healing of prostate cancer. It can help lower the bad cholesterol better then prescription drugs any thing is better then that. They do have it in capsule form, but they recommend you eat the plant instead. More safer. CAULIFLOWER – Flowers of the cauliflower are known as curds because they are all clustered together very snug on the stalk of the plant. cauliflower first was in ancient Asia, but then re-emerged in the Mediterranean region, now it is all over the world. It helps prevent stress, antioxidants that help in imparting nutrients to the body. Regular use helps with blood circulation, and helps the vessels to keep there proper function. Which improves cardiovascular health. It also protects against cancer, gives protection against stomach disorders, help with iron absorption, slows progression of raspatory problems, eye and bone health. It has many benefits. CASHEW – Are native to Brazil. They are considered antioxidants power house on nutrients and minerals it helps the body to stay healthy. cashew are not to be eaten raw for they are very toxic to the body and you can die from them not being cooked properly, but when cooked they are very delicious and increase in antioxidants when properly toasted then there raw form. Eating cashews improves heart health, may help persons with diabetic they are rich in fiber and low on sugars. Cashew are important to blood health, copper deficiency can lead to anemia. That is when your red cells are low, but just eating a hand full can help bring up the red cells. Copper in cashews also helps the pigment in hair and eyes to stay that color. It also helps prevent gallstones and best of all helps improve brain function, and is good for your bones, not only does it help with eye color but it keeps your eyes healthy to by protecting them from UV rays.
BANANA – are high on potassium and pectin a form of fiber, bananas have the kind of protection that protects you from the many different products we use like lotions, and also natural sunlight. The darker the banana gets the better it protects and enhances the white cell productivity. Which is good to fight infection from bacteria, virus and fungi. Bananas are good for your heart because our body needs the potassium to keep your heart healthy and heart attack free. Also low in sodium so is good in for high blood pressure. They have found that the more potassium you have helps so that your arteries do not harden. After excising you should eat a banana instead of drinking Gatorade it gives you the energy to improve performance. BARLEY – Is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Barley is full of fiber, but if they remove the hull then you have gotten rid of the fiber. Barley is full of lignans an antioxidants which lowers the risk of cancer. The more you soak the grain before you use it releases the nutrients easier. Barley when eaten reduces hunger by making you feel full. The other good news about barley is it improves bowel movement function by increasing stool movement. It even helps prevent gallstones and reduce the risk of gallbladder surgery. BASIL – Originated from Asia and Africa. It comes from the mint family and there are many verities. From healthy gut to immunity the benefits of basil are many. Basil is easily cross bread and so we have many different flavors like lemon basil, lime basil that are good to put into salads and get that citrus flavor. It also helps with your nervous system and digestion, insomnia, also helps PH balance in the body. It has many uses to help heal the body, that if you dont like the flavor of one there are many to choose from, It is a very promising herb for healing. BLUE BERRIRES – Inflammation is the number one cause of diseases. Blue berries help because they are high in antioxidants, phytoflavinoids, potassium. Lowers the risk of heart and cancer. When picking always pick the darkest color because that says it has lots of antioxidants. So eat half a cup a day to keep as healthy as can be. BROCCOLI – Eating broccoli every day can help with the risk of heart diseases, it also helps with blood clotting because it has the nutrients the body needs. It also has vitamin k for strong bones, it is also good for the eyes. BURDOCK – The benefits of burdock are very powerful and can help repair any damages caused by free radicals. It can help prevent different conditions in the body. It removes toxin from blood stream so it purifies it and help circulation. It inhibits tumorous cancers also. but if you have allergic reaction to chrysanthemums or daisies then you well have an allergic reaction to this. and if you are pregnant it is not recommended you take burdock. Or give to young children.
ACORNS – It is unsafe to eat acorns raw because they are very toxic, but they can be boiled or soaked and once you remove the tannins is the bitterness of the acorn and properly prepared they can be eaten and are very nutritious, they are full iron and magnesium. Acorns come from oak trees and the best time to pick is when they fall off the tree and you pick them up from the ground that is when they are mature enough to be able to prepare. ALOE VERA – The plant is native to North Africa and South Europe and the Canary Island. Today it is grown everywhere. Aloe Vera relives heart burn, slows the spread of cancer, and as we all know it is good on sunburns and heal wounds. it also helps keeps produce fresh by spreading the gel on fruit and vegetables. APPLES – Grown in many parts of the world are very good for you and have many healing properties. It is very important not to eat the seeds because you could get arsenic poisoning. Apples are used in such conditions as cancer, diabetic. Apples are applied to the head for baldness it is said it helps grow hair. APRICOT – Are very nutritious and have essential vitamins and minerals. Eating them protect the body against illness like heart disease and diabetes, it plays a high roll in preventing night blindness. Promotes eye health. ASHWAGANDHA – Is ancient medical herb. It is great to help the body manage. Lowers sugars and boost brain function and fights symptoms of anxiety and depression. It increases your energy. It strengthens immune systems after an illness. It balances and stabilizes various physiological processes. It is a small shrub with yellow flowers. ASPARAGUS – Is high in flavonoids quercetin, isorhamnetin, kaempferol. They have found that it lowers blood pressure, helps fight cancer. Has many vitamins and minerals that help fight the body against free radicals ,protects body cells, also protects the digestive by feeding the good bacteria in the gut. Asparagus is grown in North and West Texas. AVOCADO – Are grown in very warm Climate avocado is full of rich vitamins and minerals. Eating avocado is very good for you, it keeps the digestive very healthy, it can help with constipation, it is very good for eyesight, it helps the eye against age related eye diseases, reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. Avocados are full of the healthy fats that does a body good. They contain more potassium then bananas, which is good because if you are diabetic bananas are to sweet and an avocado would be a great substitute for getting your potassium. Eating avocadoes help absorb other nutrient from other plant foods, that is because of the fat content in the avocado, because some plants need that fat to be able to release there nutrients. The avocado is considered a supper food because of all the benefits it has for the body and how it also makes other plants open up and provide what the body needs to stay healthy.