
What Can I Do About Chronic  Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)?

Have you ever been so tired of being tired? No matter what you do, rest, sleep, take something to help you rest, and you wake up just as tired as when you went to bed in the first place? What can you do to get out of the never-ending cycle?

It is called Chronic  Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

Doctors don’t understand it. Some theorize that it may be a viral infection, stress, or a combination of extenuating factors because no cause has been identified and many conditions produce similar conditions. Plus, there are no tests for CFS. It can affect anyone, mostly women over forty and fifty.

What causes CFS could be a virus, hormonal imbalance, stress, or a weak immune system. They say that it could be the end of several multi infections that causes CFS.

Those who have had severe symptoms of these three infections are at high risk: EBV – Epstein – Barr virus, Ross River Virus, or Coxiella Brunetti.

It sounds like if you have CFS, life as you know it is over, but when one door closes another one opens. I strongly believe that to be true.

They have found that our cells have mitochondria, an organism inside our cells which when needed, each cell can pull its source energy from this, and it has many in each cell. They are essential for healthy living.

The mitochondria generate energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Which helps cells adapt to their environment.

What is needed is to keep your mitochondria cells healthy is what keeps our body moving and when that stops producing energy, we are thrown into a downward spiral when it comes to having energy.

Looking for an answer to this health problem is irritating because there are so many studies and in the reality of things, no one has come close to knowing

What can help?

One way is to find out which activity makes you more tired and work on that first. Once we have that under control we can figure out what else we can do to make it easier to do things so that you don’t over-exert yourself.

Like going shopping one day and grocery shopping another. The same with doing house chores, doing laundry one day, and vacuuming on another day. Doing a little at a time can help you not get overly fatigued. It may take a little more time to get things done but it will get done in a matter of time. Which will help you in the long run, so that you will be able to socialize with the family more.

CFS comes and goes, you have your good days that are not the greatest but you feel better than other days and can

do more than other days.

It is best to keep moving, if possible, and not to give in to your really bad days. Try to be positive, and keep yourself motivated as much as possible.

Hopefully one day they will find a cure and life will come back to normal until then don’t give up and keep smiling.


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