You have heard some people say “I am Fasting,” when you offer them a bit of food. Have you ever wondered if that is healthy for the body? If it is, then what are the benefits that help the body?
You would think that not eating would not be good because you are not getting the nutrients your body needs.
Let us weigh the difference and find out.
One of the benefits is that you can lose weight, by fasting every other day. This is known as intermittent fasting and helps you eat less because your body gets used to it, and in turn, helps with lowering blood sugar. Also, your body burns up more calories.
That does not mean that as soon as your fasting is done, you gorge yourself on food.
Did you know that if you take the time to taste your food and chew it properly, which means making sure it is well chewed before you take another bite, you will eat less?
By doing this, it gives the signal to the brain how good the food is, then the signal checks your stomach to see if it has reached its full level.
For example, have you ever watched a child eat? He eats as much as he wants, which to us is not much because we have stopped listing to our brain signals. some of us eat until we feel we are going to explode. If you work physically, having to move rapidly, you know you will burn the calories.
If you work where you hardly move, then it is best to eat less.
I have worked where you have to walk twelve-hour shifts and was hungry by the time I got home. Then, when I got hurt on the job and had to stay home, I still ate a lot, as if I was working. I started to gain weight fast. So I started to cut back on my food intake. Drank more water to make up for the hunger I still felt.
When you are used to eating a lot and then cutting back, I understand it can be hard.
Fasting takes a strong will because it seems like when you decide to fast, everyone seems to bring the most eye-catching food that smells so good. Then they ask you if you would like some. But we have to remember our goal.
The health benefits that fasting brings to our bodies.
Helps the brain, think more clearly, it helps also with inflammation and helps your heart by lowering bad cholesterol.
The best part of fasting is it can help you live longer.
There are many different types of fasting methods out there, you need to choose the right one for you. It is best to research it.
You can ask your doctor which would be right for you.
It would be easier if you had a friend do this along with you to give each other encouragement, cheer each other on, especially in our weak moments. Having someone by your side makes a big difference.