
The Pandemic Outbreak

I have read about, or heard from people. who have had the COVID-19 virus, and some have been scared that they would not make it. It comes suddenly, and not knowing the symptoms, some say, it could be life or death.

The more people that survive this virus, the more we know how to help others cope and know what to do.

A mild case of COVID may start out that way, but after three or four days, may get worse instead of better.

If you have chest pains that are consistent, don’t let up, and keep getting worse instead of better, you need to go to the emergency right away. This could cause light-headedness and confusion.

Also, if your lips start to turn blue, time to go to the hospital.

To ease your breathing, use a humidifier. It eases the tightness of the chest and helps with coughing.

Several people said they felt better when they slept on their stomachs. It seemed to ease the symptoms.

Mental health is very important

Being stressed because you are sick is not good, also being depressed is not going to help either.

You need to talk with your doctor and if not the doctor, let your friends know you are depressed and they can talk to you on the phone or Zoom chat.

Another way is to think of a happy memory and just go back to that day. Make it a positive experience.

I know being sick, you don’t want to get out of bed. You don’t even want to move, but moving is very important to keep the lungs clear.

Open a window and get some fresh air in the room.

Turn the radio on and dance like no one is watching (don’t overdo it).

You may ask,

How long am I going to feel like crap?

Well, some people feel sick for a while and then they start to feel good a few days, and then POW! It knocks you for a loop and you start all over.

Others have systems for months.

Eventually, you start to feel good. Only time will tell.

Listen up, people. It is possible to get the COVID-19 virus again, and for some odd reason, you get sicker than you did the first time!

There have been several people who have been infected and are baffled as to why? The body should have been immune.

Is that why they are saying that the coronavirus now has different strains? And if it is, will the vaccine be able to protect everyone from the virus? Or will it become like the flu shot?

There are so many questions and still not enough answers to so many questions.

Hopefully, our bodies will start making anti-bodies to be able to protect us from the virus as we go about our everyday life.

Do not be discouraged by all that is happening. We have been through many hard times as a nation and this to shall pass, as long as we cooperate and respect each other by wearing your mask, keeping 6 feet apart, and washing your hands.

This is not a sign of weakness, as some may think, it is being respectful to your fellow man. And if someone takes it as a sign of weakness, then he is the weakest link in our society.