
Perfume Smells and PH Balance

Have you ever stood by someone and they smelled so good you just wanted to follow them around? Or ask what kind of perfume or cologne they are wearing and where you can buy it?

Then there is the person who puts on perfume or cologne and you can’t get away fast enough, the smell gets there before they do.

My question is why do some perfumes or colognes smell better on some people than others?

It has to do with the PH Balance which has to do with the acids and bases in your blood at which your body functions best.

Did you know that the lungs and kidneys have a major part in keeping your acidity and alkalinity balance? So, they are a part of what makes the PH maintain a healthy balance.

A normal PH balance should be at a balance of 7.40 on a scale of 0-14, where 0 is more acidic and 14 is the most basic. If your lungs and kidneys are healthy your PH balance should be good.

Did you know that having oily skin makes your cologne or perfume last longer than dry skin?

What is sad is that the perfume or cologne smells so good on someone else may not have the same good smell for you. Everyone’s PH balance chemistry is different, like our fingerprints, which are not the same. So it is with the PH balance that makes each of us different and unique.

What smells good to some may smell awful to others that try the same perfume or cologne. So, if you like the smell of a cologne or perfume don’t run off and buy it without trying it on yourself first. It may not be what you were expecting it to smell like, remembering we are all unique and different in our PH balance.

Did you know that what we eat also affects the smell of perfume or cologne we spray on ourselves?

Like garlic, fish, onions, everyone’s body creates its odor. Depending on what you eat, the body reacts strongly to that, and adding it all together on the skin with cologne or perfume can make you smell great or make you stand alone. But once you spray it on and your skin absorbs it you will know instantly if it is right for you or not.

Did you also know that if you spray on your cologne or perfume and you can’t smell it on you, it says something is not right with your PH balance?

Also if you are getting over a hangover can affect the fragrance you just spayed on also because your body is trying to get rid of the sugars and pushes them out through the pores.

What is recommended to do when looking to buy perfume or cologne is to try it out in the store wait about 20 minutes and if it still smells fabulous then you should buy it.

Always take your time to buy your fragrance, never be in a hurry, and

the long run, you will come out smelling like roses, you get my drift right.


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