
Natural Alternative Specialist

Did you know that the earth was made to sustain all forms of life? To be able to keep us all fed for years and years to come? Did you also know that each plant is either good for  food to nourish our bodies or it is good for healing our bodies too? We just have to find that out all over again. What each of the plants can do to heal and nurture the human body.

When God made the earth, he made it to keep us well fed. Everything he has put on this planet is to help us to stay healthy and very much alive, from the smallest plant to the biggest tree there is some kind of healing benefit. It may take a little longer but we do feel better with time.

With today’s technology we may be able to find out more about how these plants can help us feel better naturally, but with the big pharma companies that are making millions, they don’t want you to get healthy.

So they make pills to make you think you are getting better, but it is only creating more problems than it is helping!

What is even more sad than that, is the greed of these companies for money. They don’t care about the life they are ruining, but there are many plants out there that can heal many illness today. Sadly, we are not told of this by todays doctors!

If you tell them that you are trying a natural remedy they tell you its not going to work. Then they try to persuade you to change your mind.

In today’s times much has changed. Our food is not as healthy as it once was. There are so many chemicals going into our food in these modern times that it is effecting our bodies more and more each day.

Not only our bodies, but that of our animals too. We have gotten so out of control with everything we touch, thinking we are making improvements, that we don’t see what is happening or refuse to see it and don’t care what happens.

Now we are at a point of no return! Or are we?

We can make this change that we desperately need to have a better world for the next generation! It needs to start now.

Our planet earth that we live on has always been able to heal itself in many ways. It has its storms, heat waves, winds, and floods. But it has always managed to redeem itself and continue to do what it does best. And that is to heal itself and continue to provide us with everything that growers on it.

But we have not helped much to keep it going.  By cutting of the rainforest and other essential plants we are shooting ourselves in the foot!

With our growing population, we have been trying to grow everything much faster. Even the poor animals are being effected, giving them chemicals to grow faster and fatter, but not knowing or caring what we  eat is effecting us too. Because we also eat these same animals that are being given these chemicals!

We are what we eat, as it is said, and those are very true words!

“Bon appétit.”