
Leg Nerve Pain

Many people today wake up with a chronic pain especially on their legs or feet, and some pain comes and goes, and others continue non-stop.

It is so frustrating to constantly be walking with this pain in the legs and try to keep active at the same time. I would not wish this on anyone.

Telling your doctor about the pain just adds to the prescription drugs at home that add to more side effects. Sometimes you feel so hopeless, because this pain is not going away, “I don’t want to take prescription drugs,” is there anything else that might help?

Well, there may be something that might help, it all depends on you, if you are willing to take it.

It is something that has been around for centuries and is in almost every household around the world. Apple cider vinegar, has minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium. By using apple cider vinegar on your nerve pain, can actually reduce swelling because it is a natural anti-inflammatory and is concentrated.

Many people don’t realize how exhausted the body gets having to deal with this everyday. It is like walking on needles for some, or rocks for others.

Take two or three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and mix with warm water and drink.

Some people get neuropathy from the following: 1) Diabetes 2) Infection 3) Traumatic Injury 4) Alcoholism.

Treatments vary. There are three types of nerve damage.

1. Motor Nerves

Motor nerves – control our movements. Without this control we can’t move our bodies freely and our muscles get stiff or weak. We get spasms, twitching uncontrollably, and our body no longer has the moving reflex.

2. Sensory Nerves

Sensory Nerves – Send messages from the body to the brain, when it feels a sharp or cold sensation. Without this, we lose the sensation of feeling the difference between cold or hot water. We lose coordination, we feel numbness, unsensitized to things we touch, and may get tingling sensations.

3. Autonomic Nerves

Autonomic Nerves – these control our bladder, blood pressure, sweating, and heart rate. Autonomic nerves also control our breathing.

How to Minimize the Effects oaf Neuropathy


It is important to prioritize your tasks for the day. Try not to do them all at once. If possible choose one day to do your shopping and another day to do your groceries.

It doesn’t mean you cant do anything but sit. It just means you need to give your body time to adjust and not overdo it. You can still go out for those walks and take a few breaks along the way. You can still cut the lawn or work in the garden. All those things you love and are good for you because they keep you motivated.

As we get older it is not easy to ask for some help. We feel the need to be independent as long as we can. But asking for help is not going to show weakness. It shows that you are wise on knowing your limitations and that is so smart on your part.

Remember, try to get plenty of sleep if you can. Be of positive mind, and keep moving forwards always.