
Food Chain

Each creature has its purpose to be on this earth, from the smallest animal to the biggest one. What ever that maybe. The earth worm who lives underground and makes the natural fertilizer for plants, the bees need the nectar from the flowers as food, and at the same time the flowers have pollen that needs to be spread to other plants in order for fruits and seeds to continue to grow.

There are so many good bugs that help us keep unwanted insects away from our gardens, like a spider in the garden is getting plenty to eat if he or she fat. Which means a spider can eat 10% of its weight each day!

Every animal put on this planet is made to keep other animals in check, without each other, neither could survive because they depend on each other as food.

We are the number one carnivore eaters, unlike spiders we try to eat our weight in food, but our eyes are sometimes bigger then our stomachs! And if the poor thing doesn’t run away fast enough, we catch it and put it in a pan and say how delicious is that!

What I am trying to say that when it comes to food we are the most wasteful of creatures on this planet. If the food does not look the right color or have the right shape it is considered none consumable and instead of feeding the hungry with this food it is thrown away or just left to rot.

Much of the food today is not consumed or used like in the older days when everything from the head to the hooves was used. Nothing was thrown away.

Now, the times have changed and our stores are full of meat but many prefer to hunt and kill deer and elk just for the sport of it. Yes, some do it for food, but not all.

Every living creature on this earth does what it needs to survive, but we are the ones who really need to make the big changes to be able to help the rest of the species survive.

We need to start caring not only for our land creatures but also for our water animals like our fish, turtles, seals, and many more.

Stop and think how can we live and survive with out all the animals and plants on this planet we live on? It would be tragic for us all!

Lets start to think in a positive way to be able to help our planet. To protect all manner of life. We need to do something, even if it is just picking up a piece of paper to recycle. Especially around the oceans, where animals are getting tangled in lost fishing nets and drowning or having amputated limbs, because the net was wrapped to tight.  Being left by people who don’t care or don’t think of the danger it may cause.

So, please start to be considerate for what is all around you because each life you save also saves you!