
FDA Approved? Look Inside

Do herbs still work the same in our bodies after years and years of using different products like lotions, hair colors, and nail polish? Even our food is poisoned with the chemicals that they use to keep the bugs away from our food, and change the names of other chemicals so we don’t notice, unless you work with this same chemical and know the different names they have for them.

There was a man that worked using turpentine which was used to thin out paint. One morning he was feeding his children cereal and looked at the ingredients of the cereal and saw one of the ingredients was turpentine being used in the cereal he was feeding his kids. But under a different name that meant the same thing.

FDA approved “WOW”

And these same people we have trusted to make sure our food is safe to eat, these same people who are suppose to check the ingredients before approving the product, just happened to turn their heads on this, until the people brought it to their attention, that they were poisoning our children.

If this would have been a parent poisoning his child, he would have went to prison for life. Yet, they get away with it with just a slap on the hand.

We really need to watch what we feed our families and watch what we put in our mouths and on our skin.

We are a walking Sponge Bob, our skin absorbs everything we use.

Lotions have formaldehyde, which is what they use to preserve dead bodies.

Hair color uses ammonia which opens the cuticle of the hair so it excepts the color.

Peroxide that penetrates into the hair shaft by raising the Ph so the hair can be lightened.

Nail polish. The primary ingredient in nail polish is nitrocellulose (cellulose nitrate), a flammable and explosive ingredient. Even breathing in the fumes of the nail polish has effect on one’s body if there is a long term exposure to it.

All these products make you look beautiful but the side effects that you start to feel when you do notice them is a sign from your body.

It has had enough! You may notice a rash, itchiness that is persistent, it could be anything your body does to get your attention to stop what you are doing before it is to late. Or it may be to late already and the damage is done.

When we get to this point, then what?

Can medical herbs help? Can they reverse the damage already done?

I believe that they can, but you will have to give yourself the time for it to work.

Your body needs time to detox itself and that will take time, but you will start feeling the difference, and while you are feeling better, start looking for natural products that make you bring out your natural beauty.

At the same time, help you keep healthy. There are so many plants that can help.

When you are eating fruit and you are preferably alone, try putting a small dab of it on your face, you may just find it smooths away wrinkles. (You never know what magic is hiding inside.)