
Can Plants Understand Us?

Have you ever stopped to think that when you talk to your plants that they understand you? Well, they do understand. But did you know that you don’t have to talk to them for them to understand you? Just stand and look at them and think how beautiful they are and they can read your mind.

I know that sounds out of this world but plants just like cats and dogs and other animals do have feelings.

Plants do communicate at different levels. They can feel sorrow for other plants that are being sliced or shredded.

Many years ago, there was a study done on plants, they connected a machine that they use as a lie detector. They put the machine and the plant in one room together, connected the machine to one of the plant’s delicate leaves. They timed the demise of the fish to fall in hot water in another room. At the first reading of the plant, it is calm and relaxed,  but when the time came that the baby fish fell into the hot water, the lie detector needle moved drastically. The plant felt sorrow for the loss the baby fish.

In another study, they again attached a plant to another machine that read the plants energy. On the same table, a few feet away, was another plant next to it. At first they had a small group pass by both plants, the plant was calm. Then the group passed by again and the last person was asked to tear the second plant apart that was not attached to the machine to see how the energy of the plant connected to the machine would react. Its energy showed that it was terrified at what happened to the other plant. It took a while for the energy of the plant to calm down. Once it did calm down they had the group pass by one by one. The plant was able to identify the person who tore the other plant apart by the energy it put out.

The plants of the world are delicate but strong and independent and are also very hardy.

What other material in the world can you think of that can break thru cement, grow in very hot climate, grow on rock on a side of a mountain and make it look easy?

Plants have to learn to live in there environment. They can’t just get up and say they don’t like it here and walk away. They have to adapt where they are at.

So be careful what you are thinking around plants because they can read your mind.

Remember to always think happy thoughts because you never know who may be listening or might be reading your thoughts.

Also remember that plants all over the world supply us with the clean oxygen we need to survive in this world we live in.

We need to be kinder and more careful to keep plant life happy and healthy.

We need to stop destroying places like the Amazon. This is part of nature that can never be replaced.

Our planet depends on all the plants for survival.