
22 Diseases Eliminated by These Four Natural Alternatives 4U

The following 22 diseases have been eliminated by using combinations of controversial natural alternatives: Alzheimer’s disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Arthritis, Asthma, Autoimmune diseases, Bronchitis, Cancer, Cardiovascular disease (CVD), Dementia, Depression, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, HIV / AIDS, Hypertension, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Lupus, Multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, Prostatitis, Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Stroke, and Tuberculosis (TB).

Four natural alternative therapies—chlorine dioxide, DMSO, magnesium chloride, and Silver Water — are known for eliminating the symptoms of the aforementioned diseases.

Problem Chlorine Dioxide DMSO Magnesium Chloride Silver Water
1 Alzheimer’s disease
2 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ALS
3 Arthritis
4 Asthma
5 Autoimmune diseases
6 Bronchitis
7 Cancer
8 Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
9 Dementia
10 Depression
11 Diabetes
12 Fibromyalgia
14 Hypertension
15 Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
16 Lupus
17 Multiple sclerosis (MS)
18 Parkinson’s disease
19 Prostatitis
20 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
21 Stroke
22 Tuberculosis (TB)

Most Natural Alternative Specialists pick the protocol they have determined to perform best. On the other hand, if all four of these methods are purported to eliminate the symptoms associated with these disorders, would it not be prudent to use all four of them at the same time?

Silver Water Colloidal

In 2014, one individual almost achieved such a feat. Ten years ago, Wayne Rowland, the antiparasitic and deworming guru, devised a combination of such protocols, which he aptly named his “Disease Symptom Elimination Program.”

It combined three of the four natural alternative methods, parasite cleansing and deworming, and additional Lugol’s iodine, enzymes, and nutrients from his “Gut Rebuilding Program,” to enhance the microbiome, which the deworming process might otherwise compromise.

It is a brilliant conclusion with excellent results.

Today, adding topical applications of magnesium chloride would complete the package.

Chlorine Dioxide

Natural alternatives receive a lot of pushback in the media—so much so that common U.S. citizens are afraid of using, say, Chlorine Dioxide—due to one individual who launched his own personal campaign to expose the impressive healing qualities of this simple water purifier. His name was Jim Humble, and he has since passed, but his legacy lives on.

His mightiest foe was the FDA, presumably backed by pharmaceutical companies, who tried to bully him into stopping talking about chlorine dioxide, which he had masqueraded by nicknaming it MMS, short for Master Mineral Solution. Promoting MMS delayed the detection of determining that a simple over-the-counter water purifier was healing people of maladies in droves.

When the news got out, the FDA launched an effective smear and defamation campaign touting that Mr. Humble was conning the sick and elderly out of their life savings and making them drink “bleach.” Nearly every media outlet picked up the story via press releases from the FDA.

Even fact-checkers are populated with the false information released by the FDA equating chlorine dioxide with chlorine bleach and suggesting that Mr. Humble was poisoning ignorant Americans.

After Humble retired, Mark Grenon and his family took over Humble’s ministry. They were imprisoned for claiming that chlorine dioxide was a cure for COVID-19. Grenon and his son were sentenced to 10 years. While they were detained, many studies were done, and U.S. patents were awarded for using chlorine dioxide to treat COVID-19, confirming that it kills the virus.


DMSO, or dimethyl sulfoxide, is a chemical derived from trees. It is a lifesaving ingredient that carries nutrients throughout the tree and prevents it from exploding when exposed to freezing temperatures for prolonged periods.

Natural alternative specialists know the incredible ability of mixing DMSO with almost any other substance to turn the resulting solution into a transdermal application. DMSO mixes easily with most small-molecule ingredients, and one can rub the mixture into the precleaned area of the skin. The mixture passes through all tissue, muscle, organs, and even into the bone with intravenous precision without puncturing the skin.

It also has a nearly miraculous ability to relax blood vessels, increase blood flow, and reenergize neural connectivity.

The controversy levels of DMSO and magnesium chloride are moderate, and the FDA. At the same time, they have cautioned U.S. citizens not to use these for treating disease and are not fervently attacking anyone for suggesting to do so at this time.

Magnesium Chloride

A very impressive non-toxic mineral substance sourced from the sea, which could be, and has been, used in place of blood in transfusions.

Magnesium chloride is purported to affect, treat, and potentially neutralize a wide range of diseases, including 22 diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Arthritis, Asthma, Autoimmune diseases, Bronchitis, Cancer, Cardiovascular disease (CVD), Dementia, Depression, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, HIV / AIDS, Hypertension, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Lupus, Multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, Prostatitis, Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Stroke, and Tuberculosis (TB). The same is reported for chlorine dioxide, DMSO, and silver water.

Applying a Multifaceted Approach

Many Natural Alternative Specialists are combining these four natural therapeutic approaches with others to create a uniquely powerful solution to getting rid of any variety of maladies. They challenge any individual who is unsatisfied with traditional medical solutions that essentially prolong the disease while managing the symptoms indefinitely because “there is no known cure for” the disease.

Even though the FDA is resistant, individuals still have the right to select their own forms of medical treatment in the United States of America. Caution should be exercised when consulting with U.S. Citizens.

Please consult your natural medical care provider before using natural alternatives, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing. You are responsible for your own health. As with conventional medicine, natural medicine is vast and complex and must be used responsibly.


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