
10 Delicious Herbs & Spices with Perfect Health Benefits

Cooking is a lot like singing karaoke, your either can blend your herbs right or you can’t carry a tune, and I have heard people that can sing like a bird but can’t blend an herb if their life depended on it.

Either way, I am always polite and say it was good, but say, “No thank you I, am full,” if asked if I want seconds.

I’m sure many people felt that way when they tasted my food. At first, I was not sure how much to use, but one day my sister said put a teaspoon of spice in your mouth, so I did and I started to gag and spit it out. Then, she said that is how you don’t want it to taste. That made sense and ever since then, it worked.

Always taste your food when cooking and add more herbs if needed.

There are many herbs used in recipes. People use them every day with out realizing the benefits that they have.

Top 10 Herbs & Spices

With Perfect Health Benefits

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, may cut the risk of heart disease, and lowers sugar levels for diabetics.

2. Sage

Sage is very high in nutrients and minerals. Sage promotes health for the brain, improves blood sugar, boosts heart health, promotes healthy skin, the healing of wounds, and so much more.

3. Peppermint

Peppermint helps improve digestion, helps combat common cold and flu, reduces fever and stress, improves on mental awareness and prevents nausea.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric has curcumin and has a powerful range of benefits, its a natural inflammatory, a powerful antioxidant, help with skin problems and may be brain food.

5. Holy Basil

Holy Basil helps with stress, anxiety, arthritis, and fibromyalgia. If taking Holy Basil extract oil by mouth it decreases systems of stress, forgetfulness, exhaustion, and sleep problems.

6. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper may boost your metabolism. Cayenne can reduce hunger, lower blood pressure, aid digestive health, and relieves pain.

7. Ginger

Ginger may help brighten your smile, calm nausea, eases arthritis, lowers blood sugar, eases period pains, lowers cholesterol, and relives indigestion.

8. Rosemary

Rosemary may help lower blood sugar, improves brain health and eye health. Rosemary is high in antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory compounds.

9. Garlic

Garlic is high in nutrition, combats sickness like the common cold, reduces blood pressure, improves cholesterol, lowers the risk of heart disease, and best of all helps you live longer.

10. Fenugreek

Fenugreek has many benefits. Fenugreek helps with weight loss and also helps improve nursing mothers with milk production and flow. Fenugreek raises testosterones, boosts sperm count, reduces blood pressure and heart conditions, and relieves pain. Another good benefit of Fenugreek is it naturally stimulates tissue growth resulting in bigger, firmer breasts. That is great news for the girls born too small and want bigger breasts without having to go under the knife. That herb is a God send.

Remember to talk to your doctor if you decide to take any of these herbs as supplements because they might interfere with your prescriptions.

If you are cooking with them and you are not using much, then enjoy the unforgettable flavors that they give the foods you make or bake.

Without these herbs, life would be bland and unhealthy.