
Top Greed

Have you ever stopped to think how everything on this planet is trying to survive one way or another? From humans to animals, each one gathers what it can to continue to live each and every day. Humans go work to feed their families, provide a place to live and clothes for there kids. the animals gather what they can from what they can find in the woods or from the little bit of scraps we leave for them to eat, and both  humans and animals are being killed slowly by the greed of the few, by destroying our way of life little by little.

Mankind is to blind to see that their very freedom that they care for is being taken away from them and they are not noticing because they are fighting over pitiful things and not seeing the big picture!

How can so many say this is the land of the free? Especially when we are loosing our freedom, our homes that we have worked hard for to have and leave to our children are being taken away from us!

How can you really say my house is mine paid in full? If we cant afford to  pay for our house taxes to the bank its taken away from you which leaves you homeless!

Not caring what happens to you as a person. Have you ever stopped to think , who comes up with these rules? And who benefits from all this?

Is it he banks? But then you see they are always asking for bale outs! Then who?

It is always the government who decides if they will help them out. Or is it?

When I was younger, I do remember hearing the names of powerful families that were very rich and had a lot of control of government because of the money they had. I didn’t acknowledge the information because I didn’t think it affected me at that time. But now that I am older and understand more than I did back then. Paying more attention because the changes going on now are so dramatic!

Did you know that there have been cures for cancer and other diseases that save lives? But these cures have not been revealed or heard of because the  government doesn’t want you to know because that takes money out of there greedy pockets.

The Federal Reserve is one of the biggest scammers in government. Putting money in the economy, giving us false security, then people start buying, thinking all is well then getting into debt, only to end up loosing their secure jobs, homes, and even their business that provided them their income to survive.

Still, you are expected to pay this back to the government as if it was our problem.

How can we as a people, that has believed that we should all have a voice that is being suppressed and not being heard by the very persons we send into congress to be our voice?

Your voice is not being heard because we don’t have the money to be heard, so they are being bought from companies that can buy their vote.