

CABBAGE – Comes from Eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor. Cabbage nutrients has lots of nutrients and minerals it helps prevent cancer, boosts immunity, is anti-inflammatory. It reduces the risk to the following, cataracts, Alzheimer disease, inflammation, prevents stomach ulcers, helps in digestion, lots of fiber so helps with constipation, good for the heart and straightens bones. Cabbage if rich in folic acid which benefits pregnant mother and there baby also good for breast feeding moms helps produce milk. Eating a little a day helps heal skin conditions and can make you look young. CACAO NIBS – Are made of crushed coco beans. They help in lowering the risk of stress and inflammation because they are rich in antioxidants. It reduces heart disease and diabetics .Cacao contains iron that is readily used by the body, but dont heat up the cacao nibs because you well lose the nutrients. Best used in smoothies. CACTUS – Comes from Latin America. and has many nutritional minerals, the eatable parts are the leaf and fruit and stem. It protects nerve cell damage, it also helps people who are diabetic by eating a little a day. It also help men with prostate problems and help in the healing of prostate cancer. It can help lower the bad cholesterol better then prescription drugs any thing is better then that. They do have it in capsule form, but they recommend you eat the plant instead. More safer. CAULIFLOWER – Flowers of the cauliflower are known as curds because they are all clustered together  very snug on the stalk of the plant. cauliflower first was in ancient Asia, but then re-emerged in the Mediterranean region, now it is all over the world. It helps prevent stress, antioxidants that help in imparting nutrients to the body. Regular use helps with blood circulation, and helps the vessels to keep there proper function. Which improves cardiovascular health. It also protects against cancer, gives protection against stomach disorders, help with iron absorption, slows progression of raspatory problems, eye and bone health. It has many benefits. CASHEW – Are native to Brazil. They are considered antioxidants power house on nutrients and minerals it helps the body to stay healthy. cashew are not to be eaten raw for they are very toxic to the body and you can die from them not being cooked properly, but when cooked they are very delicious and increase in antioxidants when properly toasted then there raw form. Eating cashews improves heart health, may help persons with diabetic they are rich in fiber and low on sugars. Cashew are important to blood health, copper deficiency can lead to anemia. That is when your red cells are low, but just eating a hand full can help bring up the red cells. Copper in cashews also helps the pigment in hair and eyes to stay that color. It also helps prevent gallstones and best of all helps improve brain function, and is good for your bones, not only does it help with eye color but it keeps your eyes healthy to by protecting them from UV rays.