Have you ever heard of Eye Lice or Brow Lice? The medical term is called Phthiriasis Palpebrarum and they are a rare occurrence but it does happen on occasion. Or does it?
Since the start of eyelash extensions it seems to be more of an occurrence than we first thought, and looking beautiful may cost you more than you bargained for.
These eye lice are considered pubic lice which got there from the genital area to the eye. They jump on the skin of your hands and hang on when you touch your eyes they latch onto the skin of the lash.
That’s a really good reason to wash your hands after you go.
The life of the louse (eye lice)
After six to ten days the nits hatch into a nymph. They become adults in two to three weeks. After that, they have three to four weeks to live and each flee lays only thirty nits.
If you find eye lice on your eyes check the coarse hair of your body like eyebrows, armpits, and pubic hair, that may be another hangout place for them. Plus it will let you know how severe your treatment needs to be.
Symptoms of Eye Lice to Look for:
Intense itching at the root of the eyelashes, especially at night when the itching gets worse. Other things to look out for are sticky eyelashes, eye redness, tearing, tickling feeling, and brown or black spots at the base of the eyelash.
Eyebrows can also itch. Sometimes it could just mean dry skin but if it continues constantly, it could me eye lice. Another reason could be if you have your eyebrows waxed, there could also be an irritant that you are allergic to in the wax. Or itching could be caused by other skin problems you may have.
How to Avoid Getting Eye Lice
Ways to not come in contact with these lice are by not sharing your brush, bedding, scarves, or hats.
One woman put petroleum ointment on her eyelashes and left them for thirty minutes and repeated it twice a day for three days. But if it isn’t eye lice you need to go see your doctor and let him check and see what is going on. It may be that you are allergic to something you are using.
Using aloe vera could help you also.
Like always, the best thing to do is try to prevent it from happening in the first place. Be more cautious about your whereabouts and remember to wash your hands. Prevention is number one when it comes to our health.
I don’t know about you reading this and not feeling the critters crawling all over you, I’ve been itching like crazy. I was fine until I started writing. Had to get my back scratcher.
Like I said previously in Not a Drop of Blood, the mind can make you imagine what it wants if you believe it. Of course, I know I am fine, but I just can’t stop itching.
I hope you enjoyed learning about eye lice, now I’m going to take a shower.