
Natural Breast Enlargement Without Surgery

I remember as a young girl in Junior high school, I was just taller then everyone in sixth grade and had not developed. I would see the other girls and they already had breasts, and as for me, well, let just say I was so skinny you couldn’t tell if I was coming or going, unless I was carrying books in my arms.

I had not hit puberty yet, I was a late bloomer. I didn’t develop until eighth grade. It took time but I got what all girls wait for: breasts.

It may sound silly to you, but its like a young boy waiting for his body to change and become more muscular.

Its your entry into the change of life from being a kid to a teen.

As we get older there are so many changes that happen to us, some are natural and some are self-inflicted, by our own thoughts, by wanting to look more beautiful, not being satisfied by what we see in the mirror every day.

When your significant other starts to put thoughts in your head about you would look sexy if your breast were larger, that is to me so wrong, but if he wants to pay for it, then tell him you will do it.

Find out how much it cost and let him know how much you need. You put the money in your account and go get the following herbs to enlarge your breasts.

He is happy and you can go shopping. Just don’t tell him what it really cost.

Make sure you find a qualified herbalist that can help you find the right herb to use when it comes to breast enhancement.

There are many herbs that clam to enhance the breast but they also mess with your hormones, so you need to be aware of what you use.

One of the herbs that is a breast enhancer is Fenugreek. Putting the Fenugreek seed in water and letting them sprout and then eating the sprout, you well see a noticeable change.

Also, adding flaxseed and fennel seeds help to tone and increase breast tissue.

Wild yams have potent plant estrogens which cause fluid retention that stimulates tissue growth by promoting hormones in  the body (which give you those sexy curves) it is a good extra benefit.

What makes some women big and others small is that when we are going thru puberty our bodies start to develop, but if the puberty stops too early, we do not finish developing so we stay at the small underdeveloped stage through our adult life.

But now, that all can be changed by eating certain foods to help you enhance your breast naturally and safely, with no surgery and no scars, by eating different estrogen-rich plants and herbs.

Keep in mind that you must be carful, because the body has its limits on estrogen that is beneficial and effective.

If you go over your limit, there may be unwanted side-effects.

So eat your way up to bigger cup sizes, and I don’t mean soup, and start to see the heads turn.